Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hidden Treasures

Going through letters and cards my mom kept in a little box, I found some treasures. One in particular, a small, green piece of aged paper with a list of things to do to make the world a little easier to live in. God prompted me to share this list with you:
On this day--
Mend a quarrel.
Search out a forgotten friend (we have an easy way to do that one now with facebook).
Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter (text or e-mail) to someone who misses you.
Encourage a youth who has lost faith.
Keep a promise.
Forget an old grudge.
Examine your demands on others and vow to reduce them.
Fight for a principle.
Express your gratitude.
Overcome an old fear.
Take two minutes to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Tell someone you love him. The him again, and again, and again.

The simplest things change the world in profound ways.

Always Listen.
Photo by: Mark L. Edwards, courtesy of

1 comment:

Paul said...

Hi Susan,

Thanks for sharing!

Indeed it is the simple things that change the world in profound ways.

Each day I look for an opportunity to exhort, encourage, and remind others that we are never ever without hope.

Writing for the King,
