Monday, March 26, 2007

The Listening Heart Answers God's Invitation

To study The Listening Heart way we answer seven questions and respond to seven reflections on a chosen passable of Scripture. Since I have just completed studying The Listening Heart with two groups of ladies at my church, I was inspired to blog the answer to one of my study questions (from each chapter). The question I chose is--How can I use this passage in prayer? Since the first chapter involves answering God's invitation, the chosen Scripture is Isaiah 55. God not only gives us an open invitation to come any time, but he also reveals the grand adventure our lives will be if we answer his call and spend time with him in study and prayer.

My heart's cry is that I continually answer God's invitation every day and listen to his magnificent voice. I pray this prayer not only for myself, but also for you, the readers of this blog. (To get the most out of this prayer you may want to read Isaiah 55)

Dear Lord Jesus,

Keep me thirsty. If there is anyone reading this blog who is not thirsty, I ask you to strike her or him with a holy thirst for your word. Help us to understand that if we look for satisfaction in anyone or anything besides you, we're looking in the wrong place and wasting our time.

I thank you, dear Lord, that feasting on your word delights our souls as in the richest of banquets. I pray that anyone who reads this blog who has not given their ear (their heart) to you, made an everlasting covenant with you, that you would draw her or him to yourself right now. We all need you as our witness, leader and commander. Please fill us with your Holy Spirit, endow us with your splendor, so nations will hasten to us. And when they do run to us as your word promises, make us bold to share your gospel, the good news, for you have glorified us. Help us not to leave anything out. You have died to pay the penalty for our sins, which is death. You were buried and rose to life on the third day to give us life that lasts forever.

Thank you, Jesus, for your availability, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. May we take advantage of your closeness and choose to spend time with you every day. Please grant your repentance when we turn away.

Even when we don't understand how you work, you are trustworthy. Your sovereignty stands firm. You supply our every need, seed for the sower and bread for the eater. Use your word to accomplish what you desire in our lives and achieve the purpose for which you sent it.

I pray that we remember who we are--children of the King and we won't allow our enemy to steal the joy and peace you have promised to us. We stand firm on your promises and believe you will turn our hard times, our thorns and briers into everlasting works for all the world to see. All of this will be for the LORD's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed. In your precious name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

Dawg said...

Thank you Susan for sharing that prayer.

I'm glad to see you figured out what was wrong with blogger and started posting again.