Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are You Worried?

I hate that right along with the Christmas season comes worry and stress, but it does. I guess it’s just a little taste of the chaos God stirred up by sending Jesus, the ultimate Christmas gift, to earth. While he was here, satanic activity peaked. Regarding the things about which we become anxious:

  • 40 percent never happen

  • 30 percent regard unchangeable deeds of the past

  • 12 percent focus on the opinions of others that cannot be controlled

  • 10 percent center on personal health, which only worsens when we worry about it

  • 8 percent concern real problems that we can influence. *

This means ninety two percent of our worries are needless! Max Lucado wrote: "Two words summarize God's opinion of worry: irrelevant and irreverent.

Let's get rid of the irrelevancies in our life by casting our anxieties on him for he cares for us (1 Peter 5:7) and praise our worthy God. We don't ever want to be irreverent.

One way I cast my heartache and trouble on him is to pray Philippians 4:4-7, while trusting God to guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Share with me some of ways you throw your cares on the Lord.

Always listen,

*Bob Russell with Rusty Russell, Jesus, Lord of Your Personality: Four Powerful Principles for Change (West Monroe: LA: Howard Publishing, 2002), 41.

Photo--"Don't Worry . . ." by Arny Johanns courtesy of flickr.com

1 comment:

Where did my life go? said...

Hmmmmm sure hits home with me. Thank you Susan